The boys have had a pretty good run this week. On Friday we got down to Paloma (the other site) where we got to ride some of the best trails I have ever had the privilege to awkwardly bluff my way through (more on this later, and pictures here).
The weather was stunning then and beautiful the next day when we worked to make up the day riding, and it was flawless again today. So despite an already big week a bunch of the lads went on a mission we had been talking about for a little while. It turned out to be a pretty big day. If you’ve been looking at the photos I have been flooding the internet with you may have noticed an abundance of high peaks around the site. Today we went and conquered the most accessible specimen, located to the South of the lodge.
Soon we were back at it and the terrain soon changed to something very similar to alpine New Zealand. There was lots of little scrubby and tussocky plant life growing closely to the ground, which was becoming increasingly rocky. Also, patches of unmelted snow had started to appear. The group stated to split up a bit as some were pushing hard to get to the top while others (like myself) took a pretty indirect line to maximise sightseeing opportunities. A whole bunch of other peaks had become available for our viewing pleasure as our sightline was no longer obscured by hills as it had been lower down.
From where we were there was a line of vicious-looking snowcapped peaks for a full 360 degrees. Also visible were Lago Azul and Lago Paloma filling the large valley down to the East of us. The day was mostly still (I only noticed a breeze at the summit and even then it was light), resulting in deep blue glassy lakes reflecting the surrounding hills. All in all, it was a pretty good place to eat a well-earned sandwich or two.
Afterwards we got into the photo taking and I made the call that I needed to get naked and drink the victory beer I had carted up from the lodge. While I was naked with my sculpted torso matching the snow for both whiteness and splendour the lads couldn’t resist unleashing with the snowballs. Luckily they all have a pretty rubbish aim so I didn’t get the pelting I deserved. Bedy then gave some convenient rocks a good rolling, which is always a fun time.
It was pretty chilly up there and we were soon on the mission back home, skreeing down the piles of small rocks. The walk home was kind of a drag as we’d been out and about for a fair few hours at this stage and the steepness of the hill was hard on the muscles and joints. We were much faster down than up (unsurprisingly) and it wasn’t too long before we were back to the bikes.
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